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PPI has developed a variety of Specialty Services in response to the needs of our Clients.  Specialty Services can typically be classified within a main department, such as Subsurface Drilling or Construction Materials Testing, but are discussed separately since they allow PPI to offer a unique capability or increased depth of expertise.  Examples of PPI’s Specialty Services are provided below.

Big Beaver Auger Drill

AWS Standard Welder Certifications – PPI provides a variety of non-destructive testing (NDT) services for structural steel, and also offers AWS Standard Welder Certifications.

Ground Penetrating Radar – PPI offers both small window and large window ground penetrating radar (GPR) scanning services, and has Senior Technician Staff who are specially trained in collection and interpretation of GPR data.  GPR can be utilized to locate reinforcing steel in existing cast-in-place concrete and masonry, estimate reinforcing steel size, and assist in locating other buried obstructions. 

Intelli-Rock Maturity Meter – The Intelli-Rock Maturity Meter can be utilized to monitor concrete temperature during curing, and correlated to concrete mix design information to determine concrete acceptability, early strength, and other as-built information.

Load Testing – PPI has 2,000 pound and 20,000 pound load cells, and considerable experience with design and execution of load tests for a variety of applications.

Low Overhead Drill Rig (Big Beaver Auger Drill) – PPI can complete subsurface investigations in interior and confined spaces, useful for forensic investigations and evaluation of existing foundation systems during building renovations.

2008 CME 55 LC Drill Rig – PPI purchased a track-mounted CME 55LC drill rig in 2017.  With this drill rig, PPI can collect soil samples and core rock with as little as 8 feet of overhead clearance.

2008 CME 55LC Drill Rig

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) for Evaluation of Concrete Strength – Non-destructive testing tools for evaluation of in-place concrete without cutting or coring include the Schmidt Hammer, Windsor Pin, and Windsor Probe.  The three (3) tools can be used singularly or in combination, depending upon the anticipated concrete strength and other project conditions.

Vacuum Excavation – The vacuum excavation trailer allows PPI to expose buried utilities prior to completion of excavation or drilling activities, and assist Clients with private utility locates.

Vacuum Excavation Trailer


Mr. Shane Rader, P.E., Drilling Services Manager, Ph.: (417) 864-6000, [Email]